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MUPY Students joined the 1 Day With Program for We Mahidol Channel

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Since 09 July 2022  
On Saturday, July 9, 2022, from 09.00 a.m. - 03.00 p.m., Mr. Techin Jomduang and Ms. Apisara Lohachartinan, MUPY Student (Rx61), joined the “1 Day With Program” as the presenters of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. This program was produced by We Mahidol Production and was broadcasted via We Mahidol Channel on YouTube. “1 Day With Program” is the program that displays daily routines of the students in each faculty. The program communicates with audience using video vlogging as a way to convey students’ lifestyle in one day at the university. Besides, this program also provides the knowledge for high school students who need information to decide for their future study program. In addition, this activity also supports SDG’s Goal 4: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

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