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The 52nd Anniversary Of The Royal Bestowal of Mahidol University’s Name and The 133rd Anniversary of Mahidol University Ceremony

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Since 02 March 2021  
On Wednesday, March 2, 2021, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan, MUPY’s Dean, joined the 52nd Anniversary of The Royal Bestowal of Mahidol University’s Name and The 133rd Anniversary of Mahidol University Ceremony at Prince Mahidol Hall, Salaya Campus to celebrate one of the most important days of Mahidol University. The activities consisted of 1) Laying the pedestal tray with crown flowers to the portrait of Prince Mahidol Adulyadej of Songkla, the Prince Father, 2) “The stories of the Buildings in Mahidol University” exhibition 3) Making merit for His Royal Highness, the Prince Father 4) The speech on “How to make a reform for Development of Thailand” by Dr. Veerathai Santiprabhob, and 5) 2020 awarding ceremony. In the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sompop Prathanturarug, Vice President for Quality Development and Academic Services of Mahidol University received “Khondee Sri Mahidol” Award. On this occasion, Assoc. Prof. Surakit Nathisuwan congratulated on his achievement as well.

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