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MUPY joined the 17th National Herb Expo

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Since 02 September 2020  
On 2-6 September 2020, MUPY in collaboration with Medicinal Plant Information Center (or MPIC) and Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park participated in the 17th National Herb Expo. This year, ‘Nuad Thai & Thai Herbs towards Good Health For All’ was the main topic of this event. On this occasion, Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Minister of Public Health, presided over its opening session and gave the welcoming remarks to all of the guests. In this regard, MUPY’s faculty members from Pharmaceutical Botany Department were invited as lecturers and experts in many activities of this event. Furthermore, the Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park also released its new products, for example, a mini plant press as an Activities Box Set for everyone to DIY (Do It Yourself) at home.

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