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Congratulatory Ceremony for MUPY Awardees

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Since 24 August 2020  
Congratulations to MUPY staff who received the following awards from Mahidol University. 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noppamas Soonthornchareonnon, formerly a faculty member in the Pharmacognosy Department, currently Advisor of Medicinal Plant Information Center and MUPY-CAPQ (Natural Product Track), received ’Mahidol Thayakorn Award (Distinguished Alumni Award) 2019’ and ’Honorary Doctorate Degree in Pharmacy, Academic Year 2019’. 2. Ms. Nanthawan Jinakul, Microbiology Department’s technician (Senior Professional Level), received the ’Outstanding Supporting Staff Award’. In this regard, Mahidol University’s Faculty of Pharmacy officially arranged a congratulatory ceremony and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, MUPY’s Dean, along with faculty members joined the ceremony and congratulated two awardees.

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