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Virtual Webinar on ’Herbal Medicine in COVID-19: Immunological Aspect for Treatment and Prevention’

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Since 21 August 2020  
On Friday, 21st August 2020, during 11.45 am - 01.15 pm, MUPY officially organized a virtual webinar entitled ’Herbal Medicine in COVID-19: Immunological Aspect for Treatment and Prevention’ via Cisco Webex Meetings and YouTube Live to its 361 registered participants across the country. The webinar’s welcoming speech was addressed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, MUPY Dean, followed by the academic lectures focusing on the herbal medicine for COVID-19 which were delivered by three experts including 1) Dr. Anunchai Assawamakin, a faculty member in Department of Pharmacology and the Advisory Committee of Thailand’s Minister of Public Health, 2) Dr. Anchalee Chuthaputti, Advisor of the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, and 3) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noppamas Soonthornchareonnon, Advisor of MUPY’s Medicinal Plant Information Center and President of the College of Herbal Pharmacy of Thailand. The objectives of this academic webinar included providing accurate and updated evidence-based knowledge regarding herbal medicine for COVID-19 to pharmacists and healthcare professionals across the country as well as promoting the safe uses and practices of medicinal plant and herbal medicine in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Furthermore, the webinar was intended to enhance the well-being of Thai people by raising awareness of the safe use of herbal medicine, promote access to accurate academic knowledge, and support the lifelong learning of the people in the society.

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