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Meeting for MU-SDGs Visit

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Since 20 August 2020  
On Thursday, 20th August 2020, at 10.30 am., MUPY’s executives led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvatna Chulavatnatol, the Dean, along with the faculty members and personnel hosted a reception for Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kitikorn Charmondusit, Mahidol University’s Acting Vice President for Environment and Sustainable Development, and his team. They visited MUPY to inspect how MUPY embarked a sustainable development as one of the missions that aligned with the University’s strategies. They also shared hands-on experiences and gave some feedbacks for the SDGs Goals. More information about MUPY SDGs can be checked at Mahidol University is determined to be a world-class university. To effectively respond to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 20-year National Strategy of Thailand aiming “Thailand as a developed country with security, prosperity, and sustainability in accordance with the principles of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy”, Mahidol University has developed the Mahidol University Strategic Plan 2018-2037, and “Management for Self-Sufficiency and Sustainable Organization” is one of the critical strategies. Under this strategy, extensive initiatives have been developed and implemented towards good administration and governance, human resources with global competency, financial security, information technology-based business intelligence, green university, and global branding. Mahidol University has driven the eco-university policy for sustainable development on campus and in the surrounding community by creating a balance of economic, social, and environmental dimensions which will lead to efficient use of resources, social equality, and improved quality of life of staff, students and the surrounding community.

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