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MUPY has welcomed guest lecturers from United States of America

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Since 18 February 2015  
On February 18, 2015, Prof. Opa Vajragupta, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, along with department members, have welcomed Assoc. Prof. Valery V. Fokin from Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute, and also Prof. Palmer W. Taylor from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, USA. On this occasion, Assoc. Prof. Valery V. Fokin gave a special lecture in the topic of “New Chemical Tools for Biomedical Imaging and Targeted Drug Delivery ’ and Prof. Palmer W. Taylor also delivered a special lecture in the topic of “Tissue Disposition & PK Characterization of ANTIDOTES to ORGANOPHOSPHATE ChE Inhibitors that Exhibit Oral Activity and Cross the BBB” to MUPY faculty members and graduate students.

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