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รศ.ดร.เภสัชกรหญิง นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์

รศ.ดร.เภสัชกรหญิง นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์





  1. Enhancement of radiosensitivity by eurycomalactone in human NSCLC cells through G(2)/M cell cycle arrest and delayed DNA double-strand break repair
    Dukaew N, Konishi T, Chairatvit K, Autsavapromporn N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Wongnoppavich A*. Oncology research 2020; 28(2): 161-175.

  2. Speed of action and stage specificity of Bencha-loga-wichian, a Thai traditional antipyretic formulation, against Plasmodium falciparum and the chloroquine-potentiating activity of its active compounds, tiliacorinine and yanangcorinine
    Nutmakul T, Pattanapanyasat K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Shiomi K, Mori M, Prathanturarug S*. Journal of ethnopharmacology 2020; 258: 112909.


  1. Swiddeners’ household strategies for the wild harvest of Rauvolfia serpentina and Amorphophallus bulbifer in a karen swidden system in the Bago Mountains, Myanmar
    Ei*, Kosaka Y, Soonthornchareonnon N, Takeda S. Economic Botany 2019; 73(2): 143-153.


  1. Antipsoriatic Effects of Wannachawee Recipe on Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis-Like Dermatitis in BALB/c Mice
    Na Takuathung M., Wongnoppavich A., Panthong A., Khonsung P., Chiranthanut N., Soonthornchareonnon N., Sireeratawong S. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018; 2018.

  2. Marcanine G, a new cytotoxic 1-azaanthraquinone from the stem bark of Goniothalamus marcanii Craib
    Thanuphol P, Asami Y, Shiomi K, Wongnoppavich A, Tuchinda P, Soonthornchareonnon N*. Natural Product Research. 2018: 1-8. (Article in Press)


  1. Cytotoxic effect of compounds isolated from Goniothalamus marcanii Craib stem barks
    Thienthiti K, Tuchinda P, Wongnoppavich A, Anantachoke N, Soonthornchareonnon N*. Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia 2017; 44 (2), 86-95

  2. Effects of Wannachawee Recipe with Antipsoriatic Activity on Suppressing Inflammatory Cytokine Production in HaCaT Human Keratinocytes
    Takuathung MN, Wongnoppavich A, Pitchakarn P, Panthong A, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sireeratawong S*. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017; 2017

  3. Efficacy and safety of “Yahom” as a traditional Thai herbal therapy: A systematic review
    Chootip K, Chaiyakunapruk N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Scholfield CN, Fuangchan A*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2017; 196: 110-123.


  1. Antiplasmodial activities of a Thai traditional antipyretic formulation, Bencha-Loga-Wichian: A comparative study between the roots and their substitutes, the stems
    Nutmakul T, Pattanapanyasat K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Shiomi K, Mori M, Prathanturarug S*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2016; 193: 125-132.

  2. Cytotoxic activity of marcanine C and some other aminoquinone derivatives against MCF-7 cells
    Thanuphol P, Noulsri E, Suwanborirux K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Pattanapanyasat K*. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016; 43 (4): 203-210

  3. Mucus secretion stimulation: a mechanism in gastroprotective effect of Zingiber officinale
    Chantharangsikul G, Kitpati W, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sailasuta A, Itharat A, Suvitayavat W*. Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016; 40 (1): 1-8.


  1. Alkaline phosphatase activity-guided isolation of active compounds and new dammarane-type triterpenes from Cissus quadrangularis hexane extract
    Pathomwichaiwat T, Ochareon P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Ali Z, Khan IA, Prathanturarug S*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2015; 160: 52-60

  2. Gastric ulcer protective effect of the Curcuma comosa traditional formula in rats
    Suvitayavat W*, Yaithummasarn P, Sribusarakum A, Pratuangdejkul A, Prathanturarug S, Thirawarapan S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Saralamp P. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015; 42 (3), 101-109


  1. A preliminary study of the acaricidal activity of clove oil, Eugenia caryophyllus
    Mahakittikun V*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Foongladda S, Boitano JJ, Wangapai T, Ninsanit P. Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 2014; 32(1): 46-52

  2. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the water extract from terminalia chebula rezt.
    Sireeratawong S*, Jaijoy K, Khonsung P, Soonthornchareonnon N. African journal of traditional complementary and alternative medicines. 2014; 11: 6: 77-82.

  3. Bioactive Flavonoids and Alkaloids from Anomianthus dulcis (Dunal) J. Sinclair Stem Bark
    Ubonopas L, Wongsinkongman P, Chuakul W, Suwanborirux K, K.H. Lee, Soonthornchareonnon N* Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014; 41 (3): 13-22.

  4. Field evaluation of in vitro-induced tetraploid and diploid Centella asiatica (L.) Urban
    Thong-On W, Arimatsu P, Pitiporn S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Prathanturarug S*. Journal of Natural Medicines 2014; 68(2): 267-273


  1. Acute and chronic toxicity studies of the water extract from dried fruits of terminalia bellerica (GAERTN.) roxb. in spargue-dawley rats
    Sireeratawong S, Jaijoy K, Panunto W, Nanna U, Lertprasertsuke N, Soonthornchareonnon N. African journal of traditional complementary and alternative medicines 2013; 10(2): 223-231

  2. Acute and subchronic toxicity of chantaleela recipe in rats.
    Sireeratawong S*, Chiruntanat N, Nanna U, Lertprasertsuke N, Srithiwong S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Jaijoy K. African journal of traditional complementary and alternative medicines 2013; 10(1): 128-133

  3. Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activity of Triphala Recipe
    Sireeratawong S, Jaijoy K, Soonthornchareonnon N. African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2013; 10(2): 246-250

  4. Research and Development of Ganoderma lucidum Cultivated in Thailand
    Poomsing P, Pattanapanyasat K, Wongsinkongman P, Soonthornchareonnon N*. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2013; 40 (3), 1-7

  5. คุณภาพของชวนซฺยง (โกฐหัวบัว) เครื่องยาจีนในประเทศไทย
    อุทัย โสธนะพันธุ์*, ปนัดดา พัฒนวศิน, นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์, เย็นจิตร เตชะดำรงสิน วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ทางเลือก 2013; 11(1): 29-39.

  6. องค์ประกอบทางเคมีที่มีฤทธิ์ทางชีวภาพของสารสกัดแมงลักคา
    ประไพ วงศ์สินคงมั่น* , อภิรักษ์ ศักดิ์เพ็ชร, จารีย์ บันสิทธิ์, สมชาย แสนหลวงอินทร์, ธนวัฒน์ ทองจีน, มาลินี จิตตกานต์พิชย์, พนัสดา อิศรางกูร ณ อยุธยา, นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์, ปราณี ชวลิตธำรง. วารสารการแพทย์แผนไทยและการแพทย์ทางเลือก 2013; 11(3): 251-266.


  1. Anti-diarrheal activity and toxicity of learng pid samud recipe
    Sireeratawong S, Khonsung P, Nanna U, Vannasiri S, Lertprasertsuke N, Singhalak T, Soonthornchareonnon N, Jaijoy K. Afr J Tradit Complemment Altern Med 2012; 9(4): 519-529

  2. Anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcerogenic activities of chantateela recipe
    Sireeratawong S, Khonsung P, Piyabhan P, Nanna U, Soonthornchareonnon N, Jaijoy K. Afr J Tradit Complemment Altern Med 2012; 9(4): 485-494

  3. Antiosteoporotic effect of sequential extracts and freezedried juice of Cissus quadrangularis L. in ovariectomized mice
    Pathomwichaiwat T, Suvitayavat W, Sailasuta A, Piyachaturawat P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Prathanturarug S Asian Biomed 2012; 6: 377-384.

  4. Antiosteoporotic effect of sequential extracts and freezedried juice of Cissus quadrangularis L. in ovariectomizedmice.
    Pathomwichaiwat T, Suvitayavat W, Sailasuta A, Piyachaturawat P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Parthanturarug S. Asian Biomedicine 2012; 6(3): 377-384

  5. Biological Activities of Medicinal Plants from Mangrove and Beach Forests.
    Soonthornchareonnon N*, Wiwat C, Chuakul W. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012; 39(1): 9-18

  6. ผลของสารสกัดรำข้าวขาวดอกมะลิ ๑๐๕ ต่อการสะสมไขมันในช่องท้องในหนูที่ได้รับอาหารไขมันสูง
    ริญญา วังเมือง, นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์, สีวบูรณ์ สิรีรัฐวงศ์, นุชสิริ เลิศวุฒิโสภณ ธรรมศาสตร์เวชสาร 2012; 12(4): 740-748.


  1. In vitro clonal propagation of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban using shoot tip explants pre-treated with thidiazuron
    Kaensaksiri T, Soontornchainaksaeng P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Prathanturarug S. Medicinal Plants 2011; 3(1): 47-52

  2. In vitro induction of polyploidy in Centella asiatica (L.) Urban
    Kaensaksiri T, Soontornchainaksaeng P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Prathanturarug S*. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 2011; 107(2): 187-194


  1. Acute and chronic oral toxicity of standardized water extract from the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica Linn.
    Jaijoy K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Lertprasertsuke N, Panthong A*, Sireeratawang S* Int J Appl Res Nat Prod 2010; 3(1): 48-58. 2010; 3(1): 48-58.

  2. Acute and chronic toxicity studies of the water extract from dried fruits of Terminalia chebula Rezt. in rats
    Panunto W, Jaijoy K, Lerdvuthisopon N, Lertprasertsuke N, Jiruntanat N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sireeratawong S*. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural products 2010; 3(4): 36-43.

  3. Anti - inflammatory and analgesic actevities of the water extract from the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica Linn.
    Jaijoy K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Panthong A*, Sireeratawang S*. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural products 2010; 3(2): 28-35

  4. Antioxidant activities of the standardized water extract from fruit of phyllanthus emblica linn
    Charoenteeraboon J, Ngamkitidechakul C, Soonthornchareonnon N, Jaijoy K, Sireeratawong S*. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 2010; 32(6): 599-604

  5. Antitumour effects of Phyllanthus emblica L.: Induction of cancer cell apoptosis and inhibition of In Vivo tumour promotion and In Vitro invasion of human cancer cells
    Ngamkitidechakul C*, Jaijoy K, Hansakul P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sireeratawong S. Phytother Res 2010; 24(9): 1405-1413.

  6. Characterisation and immuno-stimulating activity of polysaccharides from Thai medicinal plants
    Burana-Osot J*, Pattanapanyasat K, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sukapirom K, Toida T. Nat Prod Res 2010; 24(15): 1403-1412.

  7. Determination of galacturonic acid from pomelo pectin in term of galactose by HPAEC with fluorescence detection
    Burana-osot J, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chaidedgumjorn A, Hosoyama S, Toida T*. Carbohyd Polym 2010; 81(2):461-465.

  8. Effect of Thai plant extracts on P-glycoprotein function and viability in paclitaxel-resistant hepG2 cells.
    Kawami M, Yumoto R, Nagai J, Junyaprasert VB, Soonthornchareonnon N, Patanasethanont D, Sripanidkulchai BO, Takano M*. Drug Metabo Pharmacok 2010; 25(2): 155-162.

  9. Effects of abiotic and biotic elicitors on growth and isoflavonoid accumulation in Pueraria candollei var. candollei and P. candollei var. mirifica cell suspension cultures
    Korsangruang S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chintapakorn Y, Saralamp P, Prathanturarug S*. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2010: 103(3): 333-342.

  10. Growth and isoflavonoid accumulation of Pueraria candollei var. candollei and P. candollei var. mirifica cell suspension cultures.
    Boonsnongcheep P, Korsangruang S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chintapakorn Y, Saralamp P, Prathanturarug S*. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2010; 101(2): 119-126.

  11. Partial depolymerization of pectin by a photochemical reaction
    Burana-osot J, Soonthornchareonnon N, Hosoyama S, Linhardt RJ, Toida T*. Carbohyd Res 2010; 345(9): 1205-1210.


  1. Aurocitrin and related polyketide metabolites from the wood-decay fungus Hypocrea sp. BCC 14122 
    Berkaew P, Soonthornchareonnon N, Salasawadee K, Chanthaket R, Isaka M*. J Nat Prod 2008; 71(5): 902-904. May

  2. Estrogenic activity of the dichloromethane extract from Pueraria mirifica
    Sookvanichsilp N*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Boonleang C. Fitoterapia 2008; 79(7-8): 509-514


  1. An improved protocol for micropropagation of Mallotus repandus (Willd.) Müll.Arg.
    Prathanturarug S*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chuakul W, Phaidee Y, Saralamp P. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant 2007; 43(3) Jun: 275-279.

  2. Variation in growth and diterpene lactones among field-cultivated Andrographis paniculata.
    Prathanturarug S*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chuakul W, Saralamp P. Journal of natural Medicines. 2007; 61(2) Apr: 159-163.


  1. Antimalarial activity of biflavonoids from Ochna integerrima.
    Ichino C, Kiyohara H, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chuakul W, Ishiyama A, Sekiguchi H, Namatame M, Otoguro K, Omura S, Yamada H*. Planta Med 2006 Jun: 72(7): 611-4

  2. Inhibitory effect of Thai plant extracts on p-glycoprotein mediated efflux
    Junyaprasert VB*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Thongpraditchote S, Murakami T, Takano M. Phytother Res 2006; 20: 79-81

  3. Screenning of Thai medicinal plant ectracts and their active constituents for in vitro antimalarial activity.
    Ichino C, Soonthornchareonnon N, Kiyohara H, Chuakul W, Ishiyama A, Sekiguchi H, Namatame M, Otoguro K, Omura S, Yamada H*. Phytother Res 2006 Apr; 20(4): 307-9.


  1. Acaricidal daphnane diterpenoids from Trigonostemon reidioides (KURZ) CRAIB roots.
    Soonthornchareonnon N*, Sakayarojkul M, Isaka M, Mahakittikun V, Chuakul W, Wongsinkongman P Chem Pharmaceut Bull 2005; 53(2): 241-3

  2. Gel preparation development from Derris reticulata Craib. Extract as an anti-herpes simplex drug.
    Wisetsutthichai S, Techamahamaneerat S, Junyaprasert V, Soonthornchareonnon N. Thai J Phytopharmacy 2005; 12(2): 11-22.

  3. In vitro HIV type 1 reverse transcriptase inhibitory activities of Thai medicinal plants and Canna indica L.rhizomes
    Woradulayapinij W, Soonthornchareonnon N, Wiwat C*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2005; 101(1-3): 84-9

  4. In vitro propagation of Mallotus repandus (Willd.) Muell. Arg.
    Kaewsuwan S, Soonthornchareonnon N, Prathanturarug S. Acta Horticulturae 2005; 676: 95-101.

  5. Rapid micropropagation of Curcuma longa L. using bud explants pre-cultured in thidiazuron-supplemented liquid medium.
    Prathanturarug S*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chuakul W, Phaidee Y, Saralamp P. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 2005; 80:347-51.


  1. Lupinifolin, a bioactive flavanone from Myriopteron extensum (Wight) K. Schum. Stem.
    Soonthornchareonnon N, Ubonopas L, Kaewsuwan S and Wuthi-Udomlert M Thai J Phytopharm 2004; 11(2):19-28.

  2. Survey on Medicinal Plants in Southern Thailand.
    Chuakul W., Soonthornchareonnon N., Boonjaras T. and Boonpleng A. Thai J Phytopharm 2004; 11(2): 29-52.

  3. Uterotropic activity of the solvent extracts of white “Kwao Krua” from two sources.
    Sookvanichsilp N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Tad-urai N. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 2004; 31(3-4): 54-60


  1. Ethnomedical Uses of Thai Annonaceous Plants (1).
    Chuakul W. Soonthornchareonnon N. Thai J Phytopharm 2003; 10: 25-32.

  2. High-frequency shoot multiplication in Curcuma longa L using thidiazuron.
    Prathanturarug S*, Soonthornchareonnon N, Chuakul W, Phaidee Y, Saralamp P. Plant Cell Rep 2003;21: 1054-9.


  1. Effect of Apium graveolens L. on contraction of isolated ileum.
    Ruangsomboon O, Soonthornchareonnon N, Narksanga R. Thai J Phytopharm 2001; 8(1): 9-23

  2. ฤทธิ์ต้านอนุมูลอิสระของสมุนไพรไทยและไวน์สมุนไพร.
    นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์, ทรงศรี แก้วสุวรรณ. วารสารสมุนไพร 2544; 8(2): 8-13

  3. สมุนไพรพื้นบ้านป่าชุมชนบ้านทุ่งสูง อำเภออ่าวลึก จังหวัดกระบี่.
    ศิริมาลย์ พลาวุฑฒ์,ปกรณ์ ตันสุทธิกานนท์ ,นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์,วงศ์สถิตย์ ฉั่วกุล. วารสารสมุนไพร 2544; 8(2): 22-40


  1. New cytotoxic 1-azaanthraquinones and 3-aminonaphthoquinone from the stem bark of Goniothalamus marcanii.
    Soonthornchareonnon N, Suwanborirux K, Bavovada R, Patarapanich C, Cassady JM. J Nat Prod 1999; 62: 1390-4


  1. Toxicological and antimalarial activity of eurycomalactone and Eurycoma longifolia Jack Extracts in Mice.
    Satayavivad J. Soonthornchareonnon N, Somanabandhu A, Thebtaranonth Y. Thai J Phytopharm 1998; 5 (2), 14-27


  1. Chemical, physical and morphologica studies of Gloriosa superba Linn. Tuber.
    Supatarawanich P, Suppakun N, Chuakul W. Mahidol J Pharm Sci 1995; 22(2) : 39-46

หมายเหตุ: ชื่อที่ใช้ในการทำวิจัยของ รศ.ดร.เภสัชกรหญิง นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์ ได้แก่ นพมาศ สุนทรเจริญนนท์ ; นพมาศ สรรพคุณ ; Soonthornchareonnon N ; Suppakun N ;

คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

447 ถนนศรีอยุธยา แขวงทุ่งพญาไท เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400

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เราใช้เทคโนโลยีคุกกี้เพื่อช่วยให้เว็บไซต์ทำงานได้อย่างถูกต้อง การเปิดให้ใช้คุณสมบัติทางโซเชียลมีเดีย และเพื่อวิเคราะห์การเข้าเว็บไซต์ของเรา การใช้งานเว็บไซต์ต่อถือว่าคุณยอมรับการใช้งานคุกกี้