[ Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia - ONLINE ]
E-ISSN 2586-8470
[ Journal Abbreviation: Pharm.Sci.Asia ]
Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  FORMER NAME   "Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences" Published Since 1974


Pharm Sci Asia ; 33(1),

Attitude of Smoking Students toward Graphic and

D. Phanucharas, R. Chalongsuk,* K. Chaweekanlayakun, K. Sriphirom, W. Sanguanpong and S. Niyomsucharit


Objective: To obtain information about attitude of smoking students at Silpakorn University toward the six existing graphic and text warnings on cigarette packages. Design: A cross-sectional study. Setting: A university in Thailand. Participants: 137 smoking university students from 9 faculties at the Silpakorn University, Sanamchan Palace Campus, located in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Methods: Data of attitude toward warnings on cigarette packages and attitude toward quit were collected between 8 July to 4 August 2006 using self-administered questionnaires. Results: Students felt that the image of “Cigarettes cause fatal lung cancer” was most terrible and caused loss of craving and this image made most students did not want to handle the cigarette packages. Students felt that the image of “Cigarettes can kill smokers” was ordinary. The images of “Cigarettes make smokers look older” and “Cigarettes cause persistent bad breath” made them thought that they were over claimed. The text warning on cigarette package said “Cigarettes hurt babies” made students feel that it was most interesting and most attractive. Conclusion: Of the university students, 58.8% expressed a desire to quit and/or reduce smoking as a result of the graphic warning on cigarette packages. The warning on cigarette packages which made most students wish to quit smoking was “Tobacco smoke causes lung cancer”.


attitude of smoking students, warnings on cigarette packages, lung cancer

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