Instruction for abstract preparation


  1. Please remember to complete your web sign up before submitting your abstract for the conference.
  2. Abstracts will only be processed for inclusion in the proceedings and full article submission if they have been accepted.
  3. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Abstract Code:

  • The authors must specify the track that is closely related to your work. You can only choose 1 track from a total of 8 tracks. These tracks include as the followings:
    1. Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Delivery (PD)
    2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PC)
    3. Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (BB)
    4. Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Physiology (PP)
    5. Phytopharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals (PN)
    6. Pharmaceutical Education & Practice (PE)
    7. Clinical Pharmacy and Personalized Medicine (CP)
    8. Social and Administrative Pharmacy (SP)
  • The authors also need to identify and select the sub-track and items closely related to your work. (Please check out the “Classification of General Sessions” file.)

Typing Area:

For fonts, please use Times New Roman with font size of 11 points.

Organization of Abstract:

Please type title and bold letters, capitalize only the first letter of the first word. The title should be brief, descriptive and have all words spelled out.
Please list the author(s) as Firstname Lastname. Underline and use bold format for the name of the presenter. Put asterisk sign “*” after the name of corresponding author.
Author's Affiliation:
Please indicate institutional affiliation followed by city and country. In case that authors are from different institutions, please use number typed in superscript for each institution and author accordingly.
Please list up to 3-6 keywords that best match the core content of the abstract.
Abstract body:
  1. The abstract should contain not more than 300 words and concisely summarize the basic content of the paper in a single paragraph. Abbreviations and references should be avoided.
  2. We strongly encourage authors to use the style of structured abstracts. Therefore, the following headings shall be prepared for your abstract.
    • Introduction: should supply sufficient background information to understand the purpose and impact of the present study.
    • Objectives: should be concised and describe what the research is aiming to achieve.
    • Methods: should provide sufficient technical details to permit the experiments to be eveluated.
    • Results: should concisely and accurately describe the experimental findings of the study.
    • Conclusions: should be focused on the interpretation of the results, but not be repetitive with the Results or Introduction section.
Please see the “Abstract format”file for an example.

Abstract Submission:

All abstracts must be submitted online via the official website of the conference.

The deadline for abstract submission is May 8, 2024. Any communication in case of questions or concerns should be sent to the Chairman and Secretariat of the Scientific Committee at

Submit Abstract

Please log in to submit your abstract, or if you do not have an account yet, please sign up first.

The 4th ASEAN PharmNET 2024 & The 2024 US-Thai Pharmacy Consortium Conference : The 30th Anniversary Commemoration
Global collaboration in Pharmacy Education, Practice & Research: Bridging Borders for Health Innovation

Copyright © 2025
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University.

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