[ Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia - ONLINE ]
E-ISSN 2586-8470
[ Journal Abbreviation: Pharm.Sci.Asia ]
Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  FORMER NAME   "Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences" Published Since 1974


DOI: 10.29090/psa.2020.04.019.0133Pharm Sci Asia 2020; 47(4), 366-377

Synthesis and characterization of (R)-phenylephrine bonded non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene for fast separation of proteins by mixed-mode liquid chromatography

Nirawan Kitprapiumpon1, Pisamai Kulkanjanatorn1, Surapote Wongyai2*

1 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
2 Collage of Oriental Medicine, Rangsit University, Phaholyothin Road, Pathum Thani, Thailand

A mixed-mode liquid chromatography PSDVB-PE solid support based on (R)-phenylephrine bonded non-porous polystyrene-divinylbenzene (PSDVB) was prepared and characterized for the fast separation of proteins. The support consisting of both anion-exchange and hydrophobic moieties was synthesized by bonding of the (R)-phenylephrine to the non-porous PSDVB particles via hydroboration, bromination and nucleophilic substitution reactions. The support with a surface coverage of 420 μmol/g was characterized with regard to its physical and chromatographic properties. The reverse phase and anion-exchange behaviors of this new stationary phase were investigated by injection of acidic, neutral and basic molecules at a wide pH range (pH 2 to 11.0) of eluents. The retention behaviors of the tested compounds (e.g. ethylparaben, benzoic acid, benzene and aniline) were studied by modifications of pH values and amounts of organic modifiers in the mobile phase in an isocratic elution. Fast separation of six proteins (e.g. cytochrome c, immunoglobulin G, ribonuclease A, human serum albumin, ovalbumin, and conalbumin) within 3 min showed many advantages over non-modified PSDVB support. Applications for separation of proteins in papaya latex, egg white, and human serum were demonstrated. Compare to the reverse phase column, the mixed-mechanism column provided a flexible and versatile method for fast separation of proteins.


Mixed-mode liquid chromatography; (R)-Phenylephrine bonded polystyrene-divinylbenzene; Protein separation

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