[ Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia - ONLINE ]
E-ISSN 2586-8470
[ Journal Abbreviation: Pharm.Sci.Asia ]
Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  FORMER NAME   "Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences" Published Since 1974


Pharm Sci Asia ; 39(1),

Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation of Pharmacist Intervention Related to Adverse Drug Event Prevention among Patients with Hospitalization

T. Uaviseswong, U. Chaikledkaew* and P. Tragulpiankit


The involvement of a pharmacist intervention is one the most common techniques for reducing ADE. The cost-effectiveness information of pharmacist interventions related to ADE prevention would be very important and useful for healthcare administrators and providers when making a decision. This study aimed to systematically review previous economic evaluation studies of pharmacist intervention related to ADE prevention. A systematic review of studies reporting both costs and outcomes of pharmacist intervention related to ADE prevention during 1990-2010 was performed through four electronic databases. The studies published in English language and related to humans were included. The total of 73 articles was retrieved and 68 articles were excluded. Finally, five articles were included. All selected studies were different in terms of intervention, time horizon, methodology, and outcome measurement. From the review, pharmacist intervention tended to provide economic benefits due to saved treatment cost of preventable ADEs (pADEs). It was shown that over a 5-year time frame pharmacist intervention could provide mean net benefits of ?27.25 million because it could reduce medication errors. In addition, when compared to nurse-based intervention, computerized assessment approach, and medication faxed from physicians, pharmacist intervention was predicted to prevent medication errors the most. Pharmacist intervention would be a cost-saving strategy that may not utilize many resources and large amount of budget. It is worth to be implemented in healthcare settings in order to prevent the preventable ADEs and may be improve patient outcomes.


Adverse drug event, Pharmacist intervention, Systematic review, Hospitalized patient, Prevention

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